We are Travel for Media

We specialise in collating, curating and disseminating traffic information - we work with venues, events and all forms of media to ensure accurate, proactive and highly effective communication of travel content across a variety of traditional and new communications channels.

We aim to inform and influence pre-trip behaviour and journey planning as well as providing enroute updates and can also react to any expected delays that may impact on travel times. When disruption becomes unavoidable those travelling are kept up to date with current and forecast congestion.


Coverage of road and public transport modes.

Up-to-the-minute trusted information.

Travel for Media fuses data from a wide variety of sources into one standard information package. This automatic process means you get the latest information in a format you can use without any human intervention, which means no time delay.

A train

Packaged for you

The latest traffic and travel information for presentation on websites, media outlets and even through text-to-speech. We find the information and format it in the right way so you don't have to.

A traffic jam